Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The flexible use of information technology

Introduction Advancement in technology and the flexible use of information technology (IT) are the great motives towards an integrated service approach in various facilities. This integration is a great enabler of efficient service offering, swift responses and quality functions within the institutions.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on The flexible use of information technology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As these qualities reflect the needs of a medical facility, it can be confirmed that IT is pertinent to services offered to patients. In developed nations, acquisition of technology is much easier and also a requirement for its use in service provision. This motive is behind the establishment of the following proposed project. There is a dire need to ensure that IT is adopted in all facilities that offer services and especially the vital ones like medical centers. Addressing non-functional requirements When addressing non-functional requirements, an evaluation of their impacts is necessary. The extent of the impacts can be used as a guide to address the requirements. Apparently, security and privacy considerations are of paramount importance to both the users of the system and regulators. These will be addressed by communicating the measures that are in place to the affected parties before the implementation starts. About legal considerations, the project team will seek recommendation from the relevant regulatory bodies prior to implementation. To address IT compliance issues, the project must involve proficient individuals in various areas affected by the system right from the start and ensure that they are working together towards the same goal. Addressing environment sustainability requirements compels the team to adopt environmental protection strategies and use environmental friendly materials where applicable. Other special requirements will be addressed through stakeholder involvement in the implementation process.Advertising Looking for case study on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Constraints and assumptions Constraints The effort depends on voluntary participation by many agencies There is no defined budget for this project The project will take on within the limits of prioritized functional requirements Once approved, the next milestone will be actual implementation Assumptions The projects is approved by the necessary bodies Participants will proceed to support team involvement More specific team obligation levels will be described in the project plan Cost benefit analysis Benefits Amount ($000) Increased quality of services 35 Increased output from employees 20 More patients 25 Low number of employees 2 Others 5 Total benefits 87 Costs Amount ($000) Hardware purchase 10 Software purchases 5 Internet 0.5 Staff training 5 Maintenance 1 Total costs 21. 5 Development release schedule Net benefits = Total benefits – total costs = $87,000 – $21,500 = $65,500 IT system August 1 Professional briefing on the project September 1 Commissioning of the system implementation processes September 10 Specifying the hardware and software requirements October 1 Purchasing the system requirements October 20 Assigning tasks and activities to team members November 1 Hardware installation November 15 Software installation December 1 Internet installation January 1 System testing January 15 Developing this pilot into a software package Conclusion The IT system pilot project is motivated by the need to integrate technology in service institutions. The system is a patient centered IT system with composite care plans that can increase the efficiency of the services provided to patient. The integrated system involves functional and non-function requirements with respective measures to address them. Despite severa l constraints and assumptions, our recommendation is for future development of solutions to meet the requirements identified in the pilot study as a way of reducing the risks associated with a project having a wider scope. This case study on The flexible use of information technology was written and submitted by user Soft Deer to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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